Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bubblicious - Japanese style!

Price: $1.29/each
Where I purchased: Mitsuwa Market - Torrance, CA

I made another visit to the local Japanese store to buy some veggies for dinner the other night and decided to stop by the candy section and see if there was anything new.  The boy actually found these in the gum section as I was off buying some bread for the week.

I was so excited about these new finds! I was getting a little discouraged that the only items I was finding at the stores was the Oreo and the Kit Kats only, so I went ahead and bought 2 Bubblicious gum flavors just to test them out.   And here is what I think...

I am not sure what flavor this is, the picture just says "miracle" and was the first one we tried... OMG - it was baaaaaaaaad!   It was so bad I had to spit it out.  It tasted like earthy medicine, some sort of Chinese medicine that has bugs and roots and woodchips or something.  Totally not my cup of tea.  The boy continues to chew on his as I type this post, though....

Now this second one is a different story.  I like Ramune so I thought how can this go wrong.  After that first awful experience, I tried this one right after because I needed something to take away that bad taste in my mouth.  This did it.  It starts with a really powerful ramune taste - sweet, bubbly, fresh, yum!  The sad part is... the flavor does NOT last - after 5-7 mins of chewing this gum, the flavor is pretty much gone. :(

So in short, the experience has been a little bittersweet - I was so excited about finding this new brand in a Japanese version, but the results were not as good as I expected.  Definitely a weird taste that first one, just like this weird commercial for Japanese Bubblicious found on the interweb:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Oreo Chocolate Pies

I got these at Mitsuwa Market 2 weeks ago but didn't open them til this past weekend.  From the pictures, it looks like a regular Oreo cookie that's been coated with dark chocolate.  I think it cost me $3.59 and inside are 6 individually packed cookies. 

I opened one, took a bite... and OMG! Instead of cream it was marshmellows!! and the cookie - not so much of a cookie - it was more an Oreo Cake!  It took me by surprised so my first bite was NOT enjoyable.. but the more I ate, the better I liked. 

These are good as long as you are not expecting an Oreo cookie. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Custard Ritz

Last December I went to Tampa for a family trip for the Holidays.  One thing that all my family members have in common is that we all love food.  So a common activity is to visit the local markets in search for the next item we'll be cooking for lunch or dinner.  During one of those trips to the Asian grocery store, I found these Custard Ritz that I thought would be interesting to bring back to my friends in LA.  Best decision ever! 

They taste like crackers but at the same time like cookies.  It's got this salty taste from the ritz cracker itself, and then as you are savoring it, BAM! the custard gets all around your mouth and the mix of these two flavors go very well together.  These might be my favorite cookies to date. 

I've been trying to find them in LA but no avail.  So from time to time when my sister finds them in her local store, she will send me shipments of these for my friends and myself to enjoy.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cafe Oreo...Sounds like a good idea

Bottom line: NO GOOD! 

I saw this at Marukai (Redondo Beach) and thought OMG, I bet this is delicious.  Not sure what it is, but it did not taste good.  Maybe I added too much water, because it tasted a little watered down.  Also, I found it weird that this had vegetable oil in the ingredient list... I mean... why?